Skill Building in General Chemistry using Virtual Labs


By incorporating technology into the student’s pre-laboratory activities through the use of simulations and virtual labs the students will have access to view and practice the techniques and skills they will be using in the laboratory before they even come to laboratory. This will not only allow students engage with material is a risk free environment where they could make mistakes without the potential hazards involved in a wet-chemistry type lab, but to also promote inquiry-based learning. By having the students engaged with the material before they come into class, it will give them a creative outlet to explore ideas and hypothesis while also allowing for them to be better prepared for laboratory. Together these two things could lead to increased student learning and better performance in the class which will raise their grades and lower the DFW rate. Also with redesigning and implementing a significantly cheaper laboratory manual, it will make the course more accessible to low income students by making it more affordable.

ePortfolio Author
Kendhammer, Lisa
School Year