Chem 100 Virtual Lab
This is a one unit General Chemistry Lab for non-science majors that is offered online. The course requires students to run eleven virtual labs offered by external vendor, and submit lab reports online. Students ‘enter’ a 3D portal that is representative of the actual lab space and use virtual glassware, instruments and chemicals which resemble the actual lab materials. The Lab requires physical class participation three times during the semester where students come to campus for a three hour Lab lecture sessiom. Students have the opportunity to ask questions and learn how to do the online experiments using Latenitelabs tools, learn how to obtain relavant data to prove hypotheses, analyse results, perform calculations, and discuss how their observations and methodologies help achieve the goal. During Lab lectures, Students are tested on the Chemical principles, protocols, data collection, analyses, calculations and error sources etc with the aid of hand-written exams. Assessment of student learning shows that this method is equally efficient in teaching students the theory and methodology of Chemistry Labs.