Human Anatomy & Physiology Using a Flipped Model
The first course in a large-enrollment, two-semester Human Anatomy and Physiology sequence was redesigned in order to achieve two objectives: (1) to increase the number of students who successfully complete the course with a grade of C or better, and (2) to improve mastery of foundational course concepts for all students. The redesign was implemented by recording lectures and posting them online for students to view outside of class. Class time was structured around a mix of active learning activities (clicker questions and small-group problem solving) and mini-lectures to reinforce students’ understanding of more difficult topics. The technologies introduced in the redesign – a web-based response system and online videos – supplemented those already integrated into the course (online homework and quizzes). The goal was to provide an array of tools and methodologies to address multiple learning styles and maximize engagement and success in a gateway course for which many students are underprepared.