Flipping Calculus: Increasing Calculus Student Engagment through a Flipped Classroom
This redesign made use of the Adobe Captivate 7 (eLearning development software) to create 7-12 minute modules for student engagement prior to class. Students are able to access the modules through iOS mobile devices and personal computers. Each short module presented one topic only related to the necessary mathematical background knowledge needed to solve problems presented in the next class period. Each module contained interactive examples and quizzes with immediate feedback. Upon entering class, students are required to turn in a daily "Ticket-In-the-door" that reflects and summarizes the online module. Class time now is less about lecture and more about student led discussion. Students are no longer struggling with keeping up and writing notes but rather involved with solving one or two mathematical problems together. This leads to the important feature of this environment. The flipped learning environment allows the instructor to walk around the classroom, check for understanding and provide students, especially struggling students, with a personalized learning environment.