Hybrid English Accelerated Academic Literacies


To better teach and engage student learners, LaPorte will redesign the course using a flipped classroom format—with 60% of in-class time in traditional face-to-face meetings and up to 40% of class time online and/or in out-of-class meetings with the instructor. Face-to-face instruction is critical in allowing for the application of learned concepts under the instructor’s supervision and the development of collaborative problem solving and researching. Online work offers time for the deep thinking and reflection that is too restricted in a regular classroom format. Meeting with the instructor in person or remotely either individually and/or in small groups will help individual students better meet course and assignment objectives, get feedback on their work immediately and in the moment needed. This particular partial hybrid design will enhance metacognition through journaling and reflection, looped classroom instruction for deeper engagement and instruction, allow students the time and access to better and more frequently engage with the material in the course, and be in more frequent direct contact with the instructor.

ePortfolio Author
LaPorte, Carrie
School Year