Computer Programming and Intro to Computer Course Redesign Using New Instructional Strategies for Student Success


Adapt the following instructional strategies: 1) <em>Flipping the Classroom using Project-based Learning; </em><em>2) Strengthening Student Achievement in Mathematics Using Supplemental Instruction Materials; and, 3) <em>Peer Led Pair Programming in Closed Laboratory (PLPPCL).</em></em>  In addition, the faculty will create a workbook as laboratory learning material for PLPPCL to enhance the introductory computer science curriculum. PLPPCL is a new strategy and utilizes collaborative learning strategies to retain under-prepared students in the undergraduate computer science program. By flipping the classroom, providing supplemental instruction materials, and organizing team learning (pair-programming), we expect students will master various programming skills and improve their abilities for computational problem solving, as well as, be well prepared to succeed in other computer science courses related to programming. Through the application of flipped classroom, supplemental instruction, and project-based learning strategies as well as peer led pair programming labs and class discussions, this course redesign will emphasize the development of the logic programming skills, object-oriented techniques, and analytical abilities necessary to specify, design, and develop computer-based solutions to complex problems.

ePortfolio Author
Han, Jianchao (Jack)
School Year