Principles of Marketing Redesigned for Online and Based on Quality Matters


Principles of Marketing is a required lower-division course in the College of Business. For most students, it is a box they would like to "check" off their pre-requisite list. Redesigning the Principles of Marketing course would help enhance student learning and promote greater student engagement. With the redesigned course, students will be more motivated to learn and internalize marketing concepts which would help them in their careers later on. The redesigned course will also help decrease the backlog of students trying to successfully complete this course. This course needs to be redesigned to improve active learning in both online and blended courses. By incorporating various technologies, assignments, interactive quizzes, e-lectures, Marketing games, videos, discussion groups, practice assignments, and other technologies, bottlenecking would decrease, as students would have more time on task to complete and master their assignments. The Quality Matters Rubric (QMR) would be used to align course content with the Student Learning Objectives. Applying QMR in the redesign of the course would facilitate greater class interaction and Mastery Learning outcomes, which would decrease the bottleneck issues. The Principles of Marketing is a bottleneck course because it is required for all majors in the Lucas College of Business (LCoB). In addition, all students university-wide (one of the other 7 colleges on campus) including Open University take this course. Fifteen percent of the students enrolled in this course do not receive a passing grade (this includes the C or better passing grade for marketing majors. These students therefore, must repeat the course, thus creating a bottleneck.

ePortfolio Author
Easter, Marilyn
School Year