Flipping Construction Management Course with Project-Based Learning
CM1S is a mandatory entry course for Construction Management major students and Civil Engineering students who minor in Construction Management. Learning experience in this course will largely determine if the students will understand Construction Management as a field of STEM study as well as a potential career path. Failure to pass this course will prevent students from proceeding further in this major (or minor). HIstorically we observe high D/F/W rates in this course attributed to various factors including heavy course loads and lack of classroom interaction and engagement. To redesign this course, I leverage instructional technology including Educational Gaming, ePortfolio and Digital Badging to foster three major changes including Course Structure, Course Delivery and Course Assessment. I also attempt to adopt innovative pedagogies including flipped classroom, project based learning, experiential learning and service learning to enhance academic-industry and academic-community connection, and eventually to improve student engagement and learning outcomes.