A Hybrid G.E. Biology Course using Online Discussions
NSCI (Introduction to Living Systems) is designed to be a G.E. biology hybrid class. Students learn the course material online, attend a one hour discussion and then a two hour lab activity to interpret the lessons. The online component includes test assessments in addition to weekly homework assignments. In-class meetings sections have 144 students and incorporate in-class discussions with dynamic PowerPoints that include video clips and iClicker participation. The online and in-class discussions are accompanied with 24-student lab sessions, which include hands-on learning activities that correlate with learning goals for each week. This course has three sections and a total of 432 students. We focus on three major biology themes during the semester: Evolution; Ecology; and Human Disease and Genetics. Each theme is covered over a five week period. At the end of each theme an online exam is administered. Student surveys are accessed each semester.