Making the Structure Functional using Technology in Anatomy


Functional Human Anatomy is a non-majors course with an annual enrollment of over five hundred students and, at present, no prerequisite courses to prepare the students for the demanding subject matter. Although course redesign was begun over three years ago, there is still a great deal to be done:  implement a modified-flipped format in the laboratories (currently in progress Fall 2015), create web-based learning activities to complement the face-to-face components of the course (currently in progress Fall 2015), and record movies to facilitate studying outside of the classroom. In addition, web-based and face-to-face components need to be redesigned to interact pedagogically so that the advantages of both enhance student learning. Recording lectures and anatomy laboratory demonstrations for online dissemination, development of interactive powerpoints in addition to those already in use, and restructuring the course to facilitate transference to the Fresno State tablet initiative are necessary. 

ePortfolio Author
Chooljian, Karen
School Year