Incorporating Virtual Labs in Introductory Geology Courses


Bottlenecks in introductory geology (EES1) labs arise from two compounding limitations: the number of students a lab room can hold and the number of graduate students available to serve as teaching assistants (TAs). This past Fall 2014, EES1 had ~500 seats available for ~5400 eligible GE B1students. Despite that bottleneck, lack of TAs resulted in the cancellation of 1 lecture and 5 accompanying labs. Given that the number of EES1 sections offered each semester is limited by the lab, there is a huge potential to make EES1 less vulnerable to limitations on lab size and TA availability by offering hybrid labs, where half of the labs are online and half are hands-on. This redesign seeks to implement virtual labs to reduce bottlenecking while updating EES1 lab curriculum into something that engages students at more innovative, modern levels of learning.

ePortfolio Author
Weinman, Beth
School Year